My Killer Facebook Ads + Webinar Funnel Recipe

In this post I’m sharing the inside scoop on one of the best Facebook Ad Funnels that are working incredibly well for my clients and I right now.

This funnel is working for selling/filling:

  • Events
  • Courses
  • Products – $200-$2000+ range
  • Services – $200-$2000+ range

Whether you’re selling a service, promoting an event, or filling a program or course, this is something that will potentially work for you!


  1. The first step in this “recipe” is to start with bringing cold traffic in through the top of your funnel, aka your webinar. It’s super important to start this process by split testing at least 3-5 different audiences [fun fact = doing this helped me find an audience for one of my clients that generated a freakin’ 40X return on ad spend!].
  2. Your ad spend during this testing phase should be no less than $10 per day per audience.
  3. You’ll want to be driving these audiences to a landing page where they can register for your webinar.

(For reference, a healthy cost per registration is about $2.50, however- this is only one piece of the puzzle. I have clients who are paying up to $5-$10 per registration, BUT they’re still getting up to 10x ROI on their ad spend because they’re getting high quality leads who convert into sales once they attend the webinar. So… cost per registration isn’t the end-all-be-all measure of success.)


Most of my clients are using tools like WebinarJam, Go-to-Webinar, or EverWebinar as part of this system.

Using an automated webinar platform has huge benefits, in that the whole system is designed to nurture your registrants with reminder emails, follow up emails, etc making the process super fluid and easy for you…which is what we want, right?


  • Recurring/weekly – leads will see details for the next upcoming webinar that’s scheduled, and are given login details for that specific time slot.
  • Evergreen Webinar – more often referred to as a “training” so as not to seem inauthentic in advertising, since it’s essentially not “live” and is pre-recorded. Hello, automation. (while live webinars tend to work best, I have clients taking the evergreen route and still seeing killer results)

Regardless of the webinar type, the concept is the same: drive COLD traffic through Facebook Ads to register or opt in to some type of video training, whether it is a live Webinar or pre-recorded masterclass or video lesson… etc etc etc.

This “top of the funnel” element is an easy way to get relatively low cost leads; but this is only one piece of the puzzle!!!

What are most people doing in these webinar trainings??

Simply put, they are providing a ton of value, and then at the end they use the time to pitch or sell their product, service, course or event.


  • A lot of people know that you’re going to pitch your product at the end, so they leave before then.
  • Sometimes they were potentially interested but just didn’t stay for the whole thing.
  • Sometimes people register but don’t show up.

None of the above circumstances necessarily mean the people who registered for your event/course/training aren’t the right people for your paid offering…. it just means that life happened and they just may need some time to convert, or a different path to convert.

Ideally, we want people to sign up and convert on the spot, but that doesn’t always happen right away. (let’s be honest)

What I’m seeing a lot of (since I have my conversion analytics on point and can track exactly who does what, when) is a ton of webinar registrations, but the majority of the sales actually happening through retargeting (ie NOT immediately on/after the webinar).

So here’s how that works:

As soon as a lead registers for the event/webinar/training, they are immediately funneled into a website traffic custom audience, based on them having landed on the confirmation page for registering for the webinar.

To successfully manage this you must have your pixel set up properly.

Once this is set up properly, and people register for the event, I can send out specific ads just to those people. *hehe…brilliant I know…you can thank me later*

Now you’re wondering, what type of ads do I send them???

I’m glad you asked.

I immediately send them ads that directly pitch the offer that is pitched on the webinar itself.

This is such a powerful and useful tool to bring in sales over and over, AFTER the launch of the webinar itself.

Remember, these were cold leads, which means more time is often needed because they just weren’t quite ready during the webinar… but it doesn’t mean they are not your ideal audience and that they’re not going to buy at some point. (And I’m not talking about wildly long lead times here, btw. More like 1-3 weeks on average)

In conclusion, this simple but incredibly powerful Facebook Ads Funnel Recipe consists of:

  1. Split testing 3-5 audiences
  2. Filling your value-packed kickass webinar using Facebook Ads that target cold traffic
  3. Making the offer on the webinar itself
  4. Retargeting those registrants with ads promoting your offer

IT’S SO SIMPLE! All you need is 2 ad campaigns — one to grab the cold leads for the funnel, and one to retarget with them with your offer once they’ve registered. #boom

This is truly one of the simplest yet most effective funnels I have used, and I’m seeing an average of 10x returns from this funnel for my clients. 

In other words…. every time a client spends $1000 on ads, they make 10k. Simple as that. It’s a virtual cash machine once it’s all set up properly.






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