What’s *Really* Working With Facebook Ads Right Now…

NEWSFLASH -> A lot of what used to work with Facebook Ads is becoming less and less effective. I’m seeing it everyday with my clients, who have to spend 2-3X as much to get the same results they were able to get even just one year ago.

Everyone is still using the traditional cold traffic to opt-in funnel (whether that’s a lead magnet, webinar or whatever), and then immediately hitting their still-cold prospects with the “buy something from me” pitch at just the second touchpoint. 😵

This strategy has worked relatively well for years, but now the newsfeed is super saturated and the costs associated with these types of funnels are going way, way up. Like… $6 per opt-in and $11 per webinar registration UP. This makes profitability much harder to achieve, and has many entrepreneurs wondering if Facebook Ads are as effective as they used to be.

SPOILER ALERT -> They are! It’s the old/traditional approach that is no longer working…

What is actually working right now with Facebook Ads?

It’s sales & marketing 101… Taking the time to build credibility and know/like/trust with your audience so that they totally LOVE you by the time you make an offer. 😘

A perfect example is something I’ve been doing in my business:

On an ongoing basis, I run ads that drive cold traffic to a free lead magnet (my 7X ROI Toolkit).

From there, rather than continuously starting to bombard people with offers to attend a webinar, hop on a discovery call, buy my course, ETC; I actually spend a significant amount of time retargeting my new leads with non-promotional, purely value-driven content. Think: Facebook Lives, short videos, and blog content.

(If you’re reading this, you might even be inside this very funnel RIGHT NOW 💋😎✨ #funnelinception)

Essentially I’m able to be “everywhere” for the new prospects that enter my funnel… They see my blog content, my Facebook Lives, awards that I’ve won, articles I’ve written or been featured in on third party news sites, etc.; once you enter my world, you won’t be able to get away from me. 😜

Eventually I do start retargeting people with a CTA to book a discovery call with me. These are mostly “strangers on the Internet” — people I’ve had no contact with at all other than through my Facebook retargeting ads — and I’m able to sell $2500-$3500 retainers in literally 10 minutes. How? Well, more than half of these phone calls start with the person on the other line saying something along the lines of, “Oh my god, I can’t go on Facebook without seeing your face, I feel like I know you, tell me the details but I’m ready to go!” 💰💰💰 They’re sold before I even get ’em on the phone! How cool?

So, how can you apply this to YOUR biz? I’d encourage you to think about:

  • How can you start to create this experience with your Facebook Ads?
  • What do your prospects need to know about you in order to be ready to work with you?
  • How can you take time to allow new leads to really get to know you and essentially fall in love with you BEFORE you make them an offer?

And while you’re thinking about that, consider these guidelines:

  • Stop going for the sale, ask, or offer too early.
  • Spend more time having your audience really get to know you by building out evergreen retargeting funnels that include things like educational content, videos, blog posts, and anything else that boosts your credibility. 🌲😎
  • Provide content that proves you know what you’re talking about AND shows your personality so that people who are the perfect match for you get very clear on the fact that they want to be able to work with you and you only.

Want to kickstart the evergreen retargeting funnel I’m talking about for your business? -> Apply for a free Facebook Ads audit now.






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