Your Facebook Ad Campaigns

Your Facebook Ad Campaigns — Black Box or Cash Machine? 💰✨

Feeling like your Facebook Ad campaign is a big-time money sucker with no real explanation, understanding, or proof of your ROI?

(If you answered “yes,” don’t worry — you are most definitely not alone)

So often I speak to people who have this experience of advertising on Facebook that they’re just throwing money into this black box, without any idea of what they’re getting in return — if they’re getting anything in return at all. 

On the flip side, there are so many entrepreneurs who recognize the value of seeing Facebook Ads as a total cash machine. They, like many of my clients, know that when you do shit right, Facebook Ads can be the best investment you can make in your business. They’ve experienced spending $1,000… and then making $5,000, or $7,000, or $10,000 — repeatedly and almost on autopilot. (hello, dream business)

This is partly a mindset discussion, but logistically— there is most definitely a way to turn your Facebook Ad campaigns into a crazy 10x money-makin’ cash machine. Start here: 

3 Key Elements of a Successful (Read: Cash Machine) Facebook Ad Campaign

1. The Facebook Pixel

Look— you absolutely HAVE TO be using the Facebook Pixel if you want to see a return on your Facebook Ad spend. Even if code scares the shit out of you, or seems confusing and intimidating to you, without it you’re losing about 80% of the super advanced functionality that is available to business owners through the Facebook Ads platform. 

Without the pixel, you’re losing not only the ability to track for conversions and ROI, but the ability to have your campaigns be optimized for conversions and ROI. Sometimes just the Facebook Pixel alone can be the deciding factor as to your campaign being that black box, or that cash machine.

2. Testing, Testing, Testing

You have to be willing to invest some cash and some time/resources into the testing of your copy, creative, target audience, and more. There are 100s and maybe even 1000s of ways to reach your ideal client or customer through the targeting parameters available in the Ads Manager. If you think you can simply go in, choose a broad interest, throw an ad at them and see results…. you are going to end up really disappointed.

If you want your campaigns to truly be that seemingly elusive cash machine, you must, must, must be willing to test, test, test. Put in the time, resources and money needed to test your ad campaigns and funnels in a structured way— then use the data to make even smarter marketing decisions going forward.

3. Retargeting, Baby

It’s a known fact that the Facebook newsfeed is overflowing with ads from advertisers trying to sell people their shit— just like you are. You’ve seen it before…. the ads from brands, coaches, experts, etc., basically saying, “Hi, you don’t know me, give me your money.

If you really want to be able to turn your Facebook Ad campaigns into a cash machine, you need to understand how to work people through your sales funnel using Facebook retargeting (which, by the way, is where most of my clients make the majority of their money)

The key here is to know exactly how to use these tools to create a Facebook funnel that builds credibility and know/like/trust with your new prospects. Even if your initial offer is $97 (or even $27), to go out into Facebook land and essentially demand that total strangers buy from you is never going to be effective. Ever.

If you truly want your Facebook Ad campaigns to be successful, and for them to generate a positive return over and over again, you must understand how important it is to take the time to nurture and build a relationship with your peeps through the retargeting options available in the Ads Manager.

F*ck the yucky money-sucking black box. Ready for the cash machine?






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