🚫 STOP making these costly Facebook Ad mistakes 💸

😵 Agggghhhh.

Lately I’ve been seeing so many entrepreneurs making the same COSTLY Facebook Ad mistakes.

This post is all about pointing these out, and sharing with you exactly how to avoid flushing 🚽 money down the Facebook Ads toilet. 💸

Without further ado, here are the TOP 3 super common Facebook Ad mistakes that are very likely costing you MONEY.

Mistake #1: Not tracking your actual return.

If you don’t know what you’re getting for what you’re spending, how can you ever assess what’s working, what’s not working, and how to scale for an even greater return? (the ultimate #goal)

Recently I was beginning a project with a new client, and I noticed that, even though they’re e-commerce and are directly selling things from Facebook, they weren’t tracking purchase conversion value. This means that all they were able to see in their Facebook Ad account was the number of purchases generated— but not the actual value of those purchases. One purchase by a customer spending $500 is much different than one purchase where a customer spends $5 or $50. Without the ability to track purchase conversion value and actual return-on-ad-spend (ROAS), they weren’t getting the whole picture of how successful (or not) their ads were. 

Obviously if you’re not e-commerce and you’re doing lead gen or something else where the actual sale doesn’t occur online, the process to be able to track the real return can get a little complex— but you need to have some type of system in place. Knowing only your number of sales or your cost per lead, etc doesn’t give you enough info to assess if you’re running a profitable campaign. 

So not the business.

Mistake #2: Set-it-and-forget-it

If you’ve followed me for any amount of time, you know that a big part of my Facebook Ad philosophy and approach is centered around strategic testing. 

Often I meet with new clients or prospects, and they tell me they have everything all set up; they have their pixel in place; but the ads are just not working and they don’t know why. (if this is you, let’s chat)

So I’ll go and look at their account, and what I’ll find is that they’ve only run one ad to one audience, and haven’t actually gone through the process of testing different elements, pulling different levers and tweaking different things in order to be able to find the sweet spot.

It’s usually not a question of “CAN Facebook Ads work for your business and generate a return?,” but rather a question of “How long is it going to take to find that sweet spot?”

And finding that sweet spot — where you can generate a consistent, repeatable and scalable return — is all about the testing process.

Mistake #2 is simply not taking the time to test and tweak every element your ad campaign consists of in order to nail the perfect ad copy, ad creative, and ad audience combination that drives a consistent return. Set-it-and-forget-it never, ever works. 

Mistake #3: Going straight for the sale.

I’m noticing this mistake occurring more and more, and it looks something like this:

“Hi, you don’t know me, but give me your money.”

Look— the Facebook newsfeed is inundated with tons of other advertisers,  marketers, and entrepreneurs trying to sell their shit.

So with how crowded this space has become, you really need to take the time and extra initiative to build credibility and know/like/trust with your target audience before actually going for the sale.

This mistake is really all about not understanding the concept of nurturing people and building funnels with your Facebook Ads. Facebook is great for getting in front of new, cold audiences— but you still need to nurture these prospects and move them through a sales funnel. IE, you want to take people from “Who are you?” to “Please take my money.”

Even if your product is only $7, or $17…. the price point doesn’t really matter here. My clients that see the most return from their ad campaigns are the ones that take the time to build relationships with their Facebook Ad leads before going straight for the sale. 

Facebook Ads really DO work.

I work with clients across all different industries who consistently see a 3X, 5X, even 10X plus returns on everything they spend. The trick is avoiding these cash-eating mistakes. Want to make sure you’re set up for success with the latest strategies, tools, and tactics that can 7X your Facebook Ad spend? Check out my 7X ROI Toolkit here. 






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