Facebook Ads WON’T Fix Your Business… šŸ˜¾šŸ˜±šŸ˜­

Here it is. The cold, hard truth.

Facebook Ads WON’T Fix Your Business.

This is something that Iā€™ve been increasingly frustrated about lately, only because I have so many prospects that come to me and:

  • Donā€™t know who their target market is
  • They havenā€™t driven any traffic to their funnel
  • Some donā€™t even know what a funnel IS

…Yet they are expecting to spend a bit on ads and see their business skyrocket overnight.

In other words ā€” they want to invest in Facebook to grow their business, without having any of the baseline items in place that are essentially required for success.

BTW ā€” this concept is in no way exclusive to Facebook Advertising. This applies to any type of marketing. If you donā€™t have your systems in place, or if you donā€™t have a good product or service to begin with, thereā€™s no amount of marketing, no matter how great it is, that can ā€œfixā€ your business or solve your problem of not having enough clients or enough revenue. If what you really have is a business problem, or a funnel problem, or a target market problem ā€” then no amount of traffic or ad spend can solve it.Ā 

Letā€™s just be real here for a minute.

Facebook Ads by themselves, essentially do nothing.

Theyā€™ll definitely get you in front of a lot of people and you may even get a lot of traffic, but without having a complete system in place to be able to bring in new traffic, nurture them, build multiple touch points with them, and ultimately be able to convert them; spending money on Facebook Ads just doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.

Where Facebook Ads work incredibly well, is when you have a system that you know works, that is something that has been proven to have really good conversion rates, been proven to move people through a funnel and get them to actually take the action you want them to take. Then you can essentially just plug Facebook Ads into different parts of that already proven-to-work funnel… and see yourĀ investment pay significant dividends.

So if youā€™re thinking about investing in Facebook Ads, and youā€™re expecting this one single marketing channel to ā€œfixā€ your business, you might as well just go ahead and put your wallet away now.

Before you start thinking about Facebook Ads, there are THREE main things you want to make sure are super duper solid:

(beyond just checking in with yourself to make sure you don’t have unrealistic expectations about Facebook Ads fixing your business and making you a gazillionaire overnight)

  • Know your target audience ~ I get a lot of entrepreneurs contacting me who donā€™t even know who their market is. I donā€™t mean that you need to know exactly how youā€™re going to reach those people with Facebook Ads (that’s where I come in), but rather, really really, who is your product for and who loves to buy from you? If you cannot answer that question, it does not make sense for you to start spending money on Facebook Ads.
  • Have an offer that people want (and one that doesnā€™t suck) ~ You can run the most amazing Facebook Ad campaign in the world to what should be a perfect target market; but if the people youā€™re targeting donā€™t want the thing that you offer, your return ain’t gonna be pretty.
  • Have a proven funnel that works ~ While a huge part of Facebook Advertising is testing, figuring out what works, figuring out what the drop off points are, etc… thereā€™s such a difference in results when you have a proven funnel and you simply plug Facebook Ads into something you already know works.Ā (Hint: test your funnel on your warm audience before sending cold traffic there with Facebook Ads)

A perfect example is a new client of mine; a well-known entrepreneur whoĀ has been working in the coaching space for many many years, and someone who spends a lot of time perfecting her online sales funnels.

She didnā€™t just come to me and say ā€œ I have this amazing offer, set up Facebook Ads for me and make me a lot of money.”

She instead came to me and said, ā€œIā€™ve got this funnel that Iā€™ve tested on my warm audiences, and I know it works. Iā€™ve spent the last several months perfecting my webinar to make sure its effective at driving people to actually get on the phone with me, and Iā€™ve also spent years perfecting my sales conversations so I know when I get more people on the phone with me, I can close them.ā€


With all of these things perfectly in place, all I had to do was do the stuff Iā€™m great at:

  • Come up with great copy
  • Create and/or source eye-catching creative
  • Find and test perfect audiences
  • Work the little technical details that make all the difference

The result of her amazing funnel AND my amazing ads?

$48,000 in revenue on a $6k investment (this includes both ad spend + my fee) in literally just a couple of weeks.

Iā€™ve done almost identical campaigns for different clients in the past, and the reason why the results may not have been so amazing ~ not to in any way discount the importance that a good ad can play in overall driving sales ~ was because a tried and testedĀ system was not effectively in place.

Let me say it again ā€” a Facebook Ad by itself does nothing. But when you plug Facebook Ads into a system that already works? MAGIC, BABY.Ā 






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