[vc_section full_width=”stretch_row” css=”.vc_custom_1568114096557{margin-top: 0px !important;margin-bottom: 0px !important;padding-top: 0px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;background-color: #ffffff !important;background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: cover !important;}”][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” css=”.vc_custom_1565214558794{padding-top: 30px !important;padding-bottom: 30px !important;background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.93) !important;*background-color: rgb(255,255,255) !important;}”][vc_column width=”1/2″][rt_accordion_style accordion_style=”three” accordion_color=”#25ced1″][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”How long does it take to make money from ads?”]How long is a piece of string? We’ve had literal overnight successes, and we’ve had slower burners that ended up generating a shit ton of money too. It really depends on your offer, your message, and how aligned they are with your audience. Facebook Ads are a long term strategy, not a short term fix. However for the majority of clients, we’re able to start generating amazing results within three months.[/rt_accordion_style_item][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”How much do leads cost?”]Next to your return on ad spend (ROAs), your CPL (cost per lead) is a number you should really take notice of in your Ads Manager. The industry standard says a good CPL is <$10. But in my experience, leads are more about the quality rather than a number, and especially for higher ticket products and services, focusing on the lowest CPL possible may actually be a disservice to your ROAS.  [/rt_accordion_style_item][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”Can you guarantee my results?”]Tbh, no. This is the one part of the job that we can’t guarantee, so we’re not going to BS you about it. We can however guarantee that we bring an outrageously positive attitude to every job and that the words “We can’t do that” or “That’s a silly idea” or “There’s nothing else we can try” won’t ever pass our lips. We’re hell bent on seeing you succeed, so we’ll do everything in our (super)powers to help you get amazing results. [/rt_accordion_style_item][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”How much are your services?”]Our services start at $4000 per month plus a minimum $2000 ad spend per month. We’re in it for the long haul, our clients are too, and that’s why we provide year long containers to ensure your success. But don’t worry, if you really don’t love us there is an out clause at month 3. [/rt_accordion_style_item][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”Are you 100% sure you can help me?”]Nope! But that’s why we have a robust introduction process in place. On our first phone call, we’ll go through your current ad strategy, your results, your offer, and your vision for growth. And you’ll get to know a bit about us too. And by the end of that first call, we’ll both know if we’re a fit, and if we can help you. We will always be 100% honest with you.[/rt_accordion_style_item][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”Who takes my strategy calls?”]Me! Jennifer – Founder and CEO of #TEAMSPIVAK. I’ve been ‘doing’ nothing but Facebook Ads for nearly a decade now, so not only do I know this space intimately, I’ve got the evidence to show for it. You’ll get to know my ah-maze team when your campaign is up and running, but you’ll always chat with me when it comes to working out your strategy and getting ongoing high-level support. [/rt_accordion_style_item][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”What happens if it doesn’t work and I don’t get results?”]Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, this can happen. But you know what? When this has happened, most of our clients stick with us because they know that we’ve got their backs, and that we’ve got cute, but fierce bulldog tenacity to get back up and try something new. We can’t always guarantee results, but we can guarantee our commitment to YOU and trying, tweaking and testing until we get it right. [/rt_accordion_style_item][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”Why is your Facebook Ad framework the best?”]We could list a thousand reasons, but it really comes down to two. 

  1. We really do give a shit about you. You’re not some client number whose name escapes us and your ads are not just ‘things’ we tick off our lists. We know you, we love you, and we want to get you ah-maze results. That’s why the first part of our framework – getting your big picture – is super important to us. 
  2. We don’t believe in funnels or BS bro-marketing tactics. We believe in developing an easy customer decision journey that feels good to you, and great to your dream clients. And this permeates every other step of our framework.

[/rt_accordion_style_item][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”When will I see an ROI?”]This really does come down to your offer, your price point, and your ad spend. Some of our clients have seen a return within the first week of ads (!!), while others only started seeing ROI after 2 months. But we’ll work with you to set these expectations and targets, and always build quick wins into our overall strategy – we don’t like you waiting for results either![/rt_accordion_style_item][/rt_accordion_style][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][rt_accordion_style accordion_style=”three” accordion_color=”#25ced1″][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”How much money do I need to spend on my ads?”]There is no magic number you need to spend on ads. We’ve had clients who’ve spent $30 do great things. And we’ve had clients who’ve spent $3,000 do great things. For us, we require a minimum investment of $2000 per month, and we work with clients who are spending as much as $30,000 per month.[/rt_accordion_style_item][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”How much time do you need to help me launch a big campaign?”]Usually, we like to allow for two full weeks of strategy & setup to give ourselves enough creative space to craft the magic, and make sure we cross all our t’s and dot all our i’s. But we have been known to turn around campaigns within a week or less, so if you’re not sure, always ask – we are women, and women are part super-human. [/rt_accordion_style_item][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”I’m a new business, can you help me?”]We generally work with established businesses who have tested funnels in place because we can help them get the best ROI, but ultimately it depends on your business – if you’ve blown up BIG and sold services or products like a mofo, we should 100% talk. If you haven’t yet sold any products or services, you’ll want to first validate your offer before we work together. [/rt_accordion_style_item][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”How do you measure my success?”]Before we get any ads set up, we go through a detailed briefing process where we combine your hopes with our expertise — and we set achievable, yet ambitious targets. While the campaign is running, we’ll check in every week and suggest tweaks and corrections to ensure we stay on track to meet the targets. Our weekly reports, and ultimately our main measure of success, is focused on your return on ad spend, and making sure you’re generating significantly more revenue than what you’re spending on ads. [/rt_accordion_style_item][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”Do you work with MLM?”]Usually, no. Nothing against MLM, but normally the profit margins and the fact that we can’t place a tracking pixel on most MLM websites makes our service not so great of a fit for network marketers. However, we’ve had great success with MLM’ers who run their networking marketing business TRULY as a BUSINESS, combining their product sales with higher ticket offers, investing in funnel build outs, etc. These are the exception to the rule![/rt_accordion_style_item][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”How often do we meet?”]After our initial call, we like to meet with you biweekly. This is to benefit both of us – we get updates from you with business developments and new ideas or angles to try, and we keep you updated with results and campaign progress. #winwin[/rt_accordion_style_item][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”How do your services work?”]Our services are all-inclusive, done-for-you Facebook Ads. We start with getting an understanding of your big picture and developing your strategy. We’ll work with you to nail down your audience personas & messaging. Then we do the fun part – create your ads! From there we test, tweak, optimise and scale to make sure you’re getting the biggest bang for your buck. Find out more info here. [/rt_accordion_style_item][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”How quickly do my Facebook Ads get up and running?”]A large part of this will come down to you! After our initial call, we like to take a few days to develop your strategy. From there, allow a week or so to develop campaign ideas and craft copy. Then it’s just a matter of setting them up and pressing go! All in all, you should allow approximately two weeks before your Facebook Ads are up and running. But remember, we are women and women are part super-human, so if you’ve got an urgent request, reach out and we’ll see what we can do. [/rt_accordion_style_item][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”Can you create my funnel?”]Funnels aren’t really in our vocabulary. Rather, we like to think of them as customer decision journeys – it feels more feminine, more authentic, and more aligned with what consumers actually want these days. We’ll work with you to identify the optimal touchpoints you need to nurture your potential customers, and have amazing partners we can refer you to if additional assets like a killer email sequence or awesome sales page is needed. [/rt_accordion_style_item][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”Do you manage my funnel and make edits/changes to it?”]Yep, this is all part of the package! Once a campaign is launched, we’ll watch it like a hawk and let you know what tweaks we recommend you make to ensure you’re maximising your reach and spend. Find out more about our processes here.[/rt_accordion_style_item][/rt_accordion_style][/vc_column][/vc_row][/vc_section]