A Line of Magic, Money-Making Code… (i.e. the Facebook Pixel)

Intimidated by the Facebook Pixel??? If so, you’re not alone — and in this post I want to dispel all your pixel anxiety in one fell swoop.

“What am I supposed to do with this?”

“Does working with the Facebook Pixel mean I need to be able to code?”

“Is 11am too early to have a drink?”

These are common questions I often hear when one is venturing along the FB Ads pixel path.

But let’s talk about something else for a minute…

Why is the Facebook Pixel so important anyway?

Well….my favorite definition for the Facebook Pixel is “a line of magic, money making code”.

Because that’s what it is.

The Facebook Pixel (also referred to as “snippet of code” or “tracking tag”…. “pixel” is just Facebook’s fancy terminology) primarily serves two key functionalities that are very important to understand if you want to generate a profit from your Facebook Ad Campaigns:

Key Functionality #1: Allows you to retarget people who have visited your website.

When it comes to my clients’ ad campaigns — the money is in the retargeting.

Fun fact: It takes an average of 7 touches from a particular business or company before an individual is ready to take some sort of action, ie = buy from you. 

So you can imagine why if you’re relying on Facebook Ads to bring in cold traffic but you’re not retargeting, you aren’t really taking full advantage of your initial ad campaign. In fact, you’re basically throwing money down the tube.

Which is pretty much a horrible idea.

Retargeting gives you the ability to hit your audience with a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th etc touchpoint in order to finally get them to convert… all while building credibility and know/like/trust. 

So essentially, any place you put that snippet of magic money making code… whenever people land on that page, they become eligible for you to retarget. 


Key Functionality #2: Conversion Tracking and Optimization

The Facebook Pixel allows you to track when people take a certain type of action on your website.

Without the Facebook Pixel installed on your web pages, Facebook can only track the actions taken within the walls of Facebook itself, and not what’s happening on your website or landing page. 

Example: Without the Facebook Pixel installed on your landing pages, if you’re running an ad to a page where a subscriber can sign up for a free lead magnet, Facebook can only track those who click the link… but that’s only half the puzzle. Clicks don’t give you the whole picture, and with the Facebook Pixel, you can report on conversions as well inside the Ads Manager. 

(Grab my FREE pixel training here for a detailed walk-through of how this is done.)

This function allows you to accurately track which ads and which audiences are driving the most conversions, and getting you the lowest cost-per-lead (one of the most important metrics to track). 

It also makes your campaigns smarter over timeas the Pixel gives your ad account so much data to work with regarding the type of people that convert. Facebook can then adjust your targeting, budget allocation, and performance accordingly, helping you to get more conversions without increasing your budget (#win). 

In summary—

“What am I supposed to do with this?” Place your pixel on your website for retargeting, plus a special edited pixel on your conversion Thank You page for tracking and optimization. 

“Does working with the Facebook Pixel mean I need to be able to code?” Nope! It may seem complicated, but its actually just a lot of copying and pasting. 

“Is 11am too early to have a drink?” It’s always 5 0’clock somewhere!






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