How to target GROUPS with Facebook Ads… (bet ya didn’t know about this one!)

How to target GROUPS with Facebook Ads… (bet ya didn’t know about this one!)

Okay so I get asked all.the.time if it’s possible to target specific Facebook Groups with Facebook Ads.

The short answer to the question however, is: no you can’t. 😞


It’s simply not an option that Facebook provides.

You can target people who like certain pages and have particular interests, but there’s never been a direct way to target other Facebook Groups with Facebook Ads.


I have a secret workaround for how you can target groups with your ads. 

It’s a teeny bit of extra work but hey…it could be worth it…

So here’s the trick for how to target Facebook Groups with your Facebook Ads….

Step One: The first thing you’re gonna do is post a video (either Facebook Live or pre-recorded is fine) on your Facebook Business Page, as your Facebook Business Page.

Step Two: Once you’ve posted this video to your Facebook Business Page, you need to go and immediately HIDE it from your page’s timeline. (stay with me guys!)

The source of the video is going to be your Facebook Business Page, but you don’t want it to actually be visible through your business page itself…I’ll get to why that is in a sec!

Step Three: Okay! Now that you’ve posted a video onto your business page as your business page AND hidden it from your business page feed, you’re now going to go to that video post that you made on your business page …and SHARE that post into the specific groups that you’d like to target. NOTE: You will need to share the video as your personal profile, since business pages cannot post inside groups. 

Hello Brilliant You. ✨💎

From here, you’re going to let the views pile up for this particular post that you’ve shared into a specific group or groups!

TIP: Increase engagement and reach on your post (in order for this strategy to work, you want as many people as possible in the group seeing your video) by responding to comments, asking questions, etc. This will boost the views within the group and therefore increase the audience you’re going to be able to reach in Step Four. 😎

The goal is to get only the people in these groups that you want to target watching your video, which is why we hid the post from the public on your Facebook Business Page.

You’re welcome. 😎💋

Step Four: Here’s where the plot thickens…

And you assert yourself as a Facebook Ads rockstar…🌠🌠🌠

Now you’re going to create a custom audience in your Ads Manager of people who actually watched that video. And if the only place the video is publicly available is in the Facebook Groups you shared it in…then voila….you are essentially now able to build a custom audience of people who are members of certain Facebook Groups. 

To do this:

  1. Open Ads Manage
  2. Navigate to Audiences
  3. Create custom audience based on video engagement
  4. Choose the specific videos that you shared in targeted groups

* You can choose people based on the percentage of time they spent watching your video, segmenting your audience by people who watched 25%, 50% or more. Pretty incredible right? ✨😎💋

So that’s the whole kit and caboodle on how to target Facebook Groups with your Facebook Ads!!!!!

Go and apply!!! ✨😎💋






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