What To Do If Your Facebook Ads Aren’t Working đź’Žđź’¸

Today I want to address a really common issue that all entrepreneurs I talk to are dealing with, and that is what to do if your Facebook Ads are no longer working, and how to fix them.

I bet you clicked on this blog post hoping for a secret, or a sweet little tactic, or something new that I’ve never shared before… that will take your current Facebook Ads from where they are now to significantly better. Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you but that’s absolutely not what this post is about!

(Keep reading!!!!)

What I DO want to discuss is that there really isn’t any *secret* necessarily to successful, high-converting Facebook ads. ::Mic drop::

Sure, there are certain things you should have in place, like the Facebook Pixel. You have to understand how conversion optimization works, you need to have a sense of who your audience is, and you certainly want to have an idea of how targeting works. But at the end of the day, success really boils down to TESTING.

So if your Facebook ads are not working, it’s probably not because there’s some secret sauce funnel or trick that you don’t know about. 

More likely than not, it’s simply that you need to do additional testing in order to find what I like to call the “sweet spot,” where you’re able to consistently and scalable-y generate significantly more revenue than what you’re spending on your ads.

If you ads aren’t converting as well as you’d like, here are some things you can try testing to find your sweet spot:

  • Your copy; change it up, try adding emojis, etc.
  • Try different creative, like a gif or video
  • Try different interest targets or lookalike audiences
  • Try layering different types of audiences— behaviors, interests, and income parameters on top of each other

So, there ya have it— There is no secret beyond that!

It’s simply having the patience, mindset, and resources to be able to consistently test different things.

Oh, and another point I want to make is that even when you do find a sweet spot through testing, it doesn’t mean it’s going to last! (like wtf?)

So again, I can’t stress enough that there is no secret to successful Facebook Ads, and if you’re not getting the success that you had had hoped for, you need to stick with it, keep trying and don’t give up. Any Facebook Ads Manager you may hire (myself included) is going to be doing exactly that (with, perhaps, just a little sprinkle of added intuition about what to test next from having done it so many times). 

If your Facebook Ads aren’t working, the best thing to do is to keep pulling different levers; keep trying different things; keep testing different things until you find that sweet spot where you’re able to generate a return.

Obviously in certain situations depending on how much knowledge and experience you have, buying a course might help, hiring it out might help; but again, testing testing testing is the answer.

There is NO secret beyond that!

So — one more time for the people in the back — if your Facebook Ads aren’t giving you the return that you had hoped to get; stick with it, try something different, and really just be inside your account every day, or at least every other day, testing, tweaking, and pulling different levers while looking at the data, making sure you have everything set up properly so you can easily tell what’s working and what’s not, and be able to quickly and cost efficiently make decisions as far as where to go and what to test next based on that data.

That is really, truly, truly the only secret to Facebook Ads that *actually* convert.






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